FDA now BANNING JUUL e-cigarettes, while R.J. Reynolds Tobacco still sells their own versions of the same, because the FDA and AMA have always supported CAMEL CIGARETTES

Natural News Watch

In order to protect the market share and profits of Reynolds American tobacco-flavored e-cigs, the FDA has ordered JUUL e-cigarettes off the US market. Reynolds is the rival of Juul, and after JUUL catapulted to the top of the electronic cigarette market, the FDA was having none of it. Though R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was busted themselves back in the late 1990s for violating FTC law bymarketing to children and adolescentsusing the Joe Camel logo, where the evil Joe Camel became as popular to kids as Mickey Mouse, now the FDA is banning their rival’s product to help Reynolds reclaim their market share of electronic cigarettes from JUUL by claiming the JUUL brand is marketed to minors.

It’s all one big head fake by the ever-corrupt FDA that anyone addicted to nicotine should recognize. Since when does Big Tobacco or the FDA care at all about the health…

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About Krave Kicker

I'm just an entrepreneur who's done a ton of research on natural remedies and indigenous cures for everything under the Sun. Check out my cancer prevention books on Amazon under Sean David Cohen. Seeking only truth, I prevail.
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